Revolutionizing Aging: Groundbreaking Chemical Discovery to Reverse Cellular Aging and Restore Function

New study reveals chemical methods to reverse ageing and restore cell function

A new paper in Aging was published on July 12, 2023. It is titled \”Chemically-induced reprogramming for cellular aging reverse.\”

BUFFALO (NY) – 12 July 2023: Researchers have opened a new front in the battle against ageing and age-related illnesses. A team of Harvard Medical School scientists conducted the study. They published the first chemical method to reprogram cells into a youthful state. This was previously only possible with a powerful form of gene therapy.

On July 12, 2023 researchers Jae-Hyun Yang and Christopher A. Petty, Thomas Dixon McDougall Maria Vina Lopez Alexander Tyshkovskiy Sun Maybury Lewis Zhilichen Matthew Arnold Jien Li Oswaldo A. Martinez Alexander Behn Ryan Roger-Hammond Suzanne Angeli Vadim N.



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