GLS1 Inhibitors Show Promise in Eliminating Senescent Cells and Alleviating Age-Associated Disorders

GLS1 inhibitor eliminates senescent senescent cell and ameliorates age-related disorders

Year 2021 face_with_colon_three

Senescent cells can accumulate in the organs of aging people, causing tissue dysfunction and a variety of aging-related illnesses like cancer. Cells are formed by a process known as \”cellular senescence\”, a permanent cell-cycle arrest caused by multiple stressors.

Researchers led by Professor Makoto Nakaishi of The Institute of Medical Science at The University of Tokyo, IMSUT (IMSUT), have developed an inhibitor of glutamate metabolism enzyme GLS1, so that it can be administered to eliminate senescent senescent cell in vivo.

The researchers confirmed that GLS1 inhibited senescent cell accumulation in various organs and tissue of aged mice. This improved symptoms associated with age-associated tissue dysfunction, such as obesity diabetes, arteriosclerosis and NASH. This research was published in Science on January 15, 2020.



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