Revolutionizing Longevity through AI & Blockchain Targeted Aging with Kennedy Schaal at EARD 2023.

A.I. Kennedy Schaal, EARD 2023: Using Blockchain to Target Aging
A.I. A.I.

Kennedy Schaal will present \”Using Advanced A.I. Summary ############################################################ Kennedy Schaal is the founder and CEO of Rejuve Biotech, an AI-driven therapeutics discovery company that solves problems for longevity and age-associated diseases. Summary ########################## Kennedy Schaal is the founder and CEO of Rejuve Biotech, an AI-driven therapeutics discovery company solving the problems for longevity and age-associated diseases. Rejuve uses advanced Artificial Intelligence technology to combine data collected from Methuselah Flies and data from humans. Bio can accelerate the drug discovery pipeline, and develop novel therapeutics quickly to help people live a longer life. The company has two novel and high-impact data sources as well as a unique artificial intelligence. They are the only owners of the data collected from Methuselah Flies, fruit flies that have been bred to be long-lived. Flies are a faster-growing species than other animals, so they can be used to test for longevity. Rejuve Biotech is able to test multiple treatment combinations and interventions over the life of a fruit flies and at various stages of their life (e.g. mating, resistance to disease). They also have access to Crowdsourced Data on Humans collected by Rejuve Network, a partner. Kennedy Schaal, a biotechnology executive who has a proven track record of leadership in the fields of applied genomics research and Artificial Intelligence on the cutting edge of longevity science, is renowned for her expertise. She has also been published in several journals on applied genomics and the science of longevity. Kennedy is a leading expert in genomic selection and breeding of innovative Drosophila Methuselah Flies. This, along with Artificial Intelligence, can solve many of the problems that exist today with longevity research. A Chief Biologist and Laboratory Director with extensive experience in the biotechnology sector. Strong researcher with expertise in genetics, evolutionary biology and the study of diseases related to aging.





跌倒和骨折的风险与视力不佳有关,但与特定眼睛状况相关的细节尚不清楚。 英国这项回顾性研究的研究人员确定了近 600,000 名患有白内障或青光眼的患者(平均年龄 74 岁),并将他们与年龄和性别匹配且没有眼疾的对照者进行了比较。 研究人员对骨折和跌倒的情况进行了四年的追踪。 对分析进行了调整,以考虑增加跌倒风险的慢性疾病和药物。

三组眼病患者骨折、跌倒的危险率均显着高于对照组:1.18、1.38、1.40。 对于三种眼病组,每 10 万人年跌倒发生率为 1,800-2,500 人,而对照组为 620-850 人。 三组眼病的骨折发生率为970-1290,而对照组的骨折发生率为380-500。

所有三种眼病类别的骨折和跌倒的绝对和相对风险相似。 无法解释的跌倒,尤其是严重跌倒,应促使初级保健临床医生调查视力障碍作为可能的原因或促成因素。




这些神经元在年轻时会在大脑中释放能量。 随着年龄的增长,这条线会变得扭曲。 脂肪细胞不再能够发挥其各种作用,神经元也难以通过其网络传递信息。

研究小组使用遗传和化学技术来识别这些神经元的标记,即一种名为 Ppp1r17 的蛋白质。 (我知道,这很吸引人)。 对七岁以上小鼠的这种蛋白质的行为进行基因工程改造,使它们的预期寿命增加了约百分之七。 人类预期寿命增加相当于五年。

这种治疗影响了小鼠的健康。 年龄会降低小鼠的活力。 老鼠喜欢跑步,但随着年龄的增长,它们失去了热情。 重新激活年老小鼠的神经元可以恢复它们的动力,并将它们从沙发土豆转变为令人印象深刻的跑步者。


Scientists Extend Life Span in Mice by Restoring This Brain-Body Connection



尼尔·保尔文 (Neil Paulvin) 医生是一位长寿和再生医学专家,他分享了他每天食用的长寿食品“圣粮”,以增强大脑和免疫系统。
